Comedy on State & Ian's Pizza Blood Drive w/ American Red Cross - Comedy on State - Madison's Local Comedy Club
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Comedy on State & Ian’s Pizza Blood Drive w/ American Red Cross

Thursday, April 29th – 10AM to 2:30PM – Located in basement level (showroom) of 202 State Street.

*All presenting donors will receive a free admission to a show at Comedy on State, a coupon for a free slice of pizza from Ian’s Pizza. 

  • Come to give blood April 14-30 and get an exclusive Red Cross T-shirt, while supplies last. PLUS, get a chance to win a $5,000 prize! There will be three lucky winners. Terms apply: 

The Red Cross has launched the new Blood Donor Rewards program! Beginning Jan. 1, 2024, all donors now automatically earn points when they come to give. Donors can redeem points any time of year to receive e-gift cards or save them to redeem and claim an exclusive Red Cross merchandise item in the next calendar year. Learn more at  

Let’s make a difference together!